Screening You Can Count on to Keep You Safe
CrowdRx is a leader in providing disease screening and compliance for corporate workplaces, construction sites, television/film sets, factories, schools, government installations, events, and other locations requiring risk mitigation for the spread of transmissible diseases including COVID-19. Services are strategically-customized for every client and location.
Advanced Screening
CrowdRx offers automated, trackable systems to allow people coming to your site, including employees, visitors, and attendees, to self-assess and check-in prior to arrival. Our wellness questionnaires and screening apps help limit anyone from entering your location who is symptomatic or has been exposed to communicable illnesses such as COVID-19.
Fever Screening
CrowdRx Fever Screening, both Passive and Active systems and approaches, provide confidence that your location is covered for accurately identifying individuals with above-normal body temperatures and systemic fevers signaling possible COVID-19, common influenza, norovirus, SARS, and other flu variants.